Friday, March 29, 2013

New Born MUST DO's

New Born Doubts , Questions & Solutions

Post Pregnancy Questions (about your body)

Questions and complications I faced during pregnancy

The three (3) trimesters (7th to 9th Month of Pregnancy)

The three (3) trimesters (4th to 6th Month of Pregnancy)

The second trimester - 4  to 6 months
The second trimester is a moderately challenging period. You body has almost Adopted to

The three (3) trimesters (1st to 3rd Month of Pregnancy)

Any woman who is pregnant must pass through the three trimesters of pregnancy. In very rare occasions you'll find someone give birth to a baby during the second or early third trimester , in that case the baby would be premature. Let's take a look at the three trimesters and the DO'S & DONT'S during those periods.

The first trimester - 1 to 3 months
Most likely this is when you would find out that your pregnant. You will discover most of your symptoms during these three months.

Here are some of the early pregnancy symptoms
1. Missed period
2. Fatigue (Feeling tired & stressed)
3. Feeling hungry constantly (increase in appetite)
4. Feeling lazy and drowsiness
5. Vomiting (nausea)
6. Body pains mainly the legs and back area
7. Mood swings
8. Feeling unusually heavy
9. Loss of appetite (while some may have a good appetite others may lose it)
10. Food cravings

Later pregnancy symptoms
1. Breast tenderness or swelling
2. Difficulty in breathing
3. Frequent need to urinate
4. Swelling of feet
5. Feeling even more heavier
6. Many other physical and prominent changes.

The first trimester is usually very challenging. You'll feel so much discomfort because your body is still trying to adjust to all the changes taking place inside.

Things you should do when you find out your pregnant
1. Channel a doctor for your monthly visits 
2. Consult the midwife in your area. 
3. Make sure you start taking folicacid as soon as you discover your pregnant. But why? because folic acid consists of foliate, vitamin M, vitamin B9 & vitamin Bc Our body needs folic acid to produce red blood cells and DNA (the body's genetic material). Folic acid is also important for the brain, nervous system and spinal fluid. It can prevent your baby from developing a neural tube defect (NTD) such as spina bifida

What is Spina Bifida any why is it so important to prevent it?  
spina bifida is A congenital defect of the spine in which part of the spinal cord and its meninges are exposed through a gap in the backbone, meaning there would be a big hole on the baby's spine. This deformity takes place during the very 1st month of pregnancy. That is why woman are advised to continue taking their daily folic acid intake while they plan birth or even as soon as they get married or as they plan to have a baby together..  spinal bifida often causes paralysis of the lower limbs, and sometimes mental handicap. This can be prevented at least 95% to 99% by taking 400 micro-grams of folic acid daily. So make sure to take your Folic Acid and your friends and relatives about it too.

How Spina Bifida Looks

4. Make sure you take all vitamin suppliments suggested by your doctor mainly
*VITAMINS and all possible nutrients from vegetables, nuts, greens and fruits